Fossil Rim Wildlife Center (Glen Rose, Texas)

If you live in Texas and have never been to Fossil Rim, you should really check it out sometime! (You can check it out online by clicking here). It is like an African safari -- but in Texas. Yee haw!
We went this monday and it was awesome, as usual! Fossil Rim is an:
"1800-acre world-class, award-winning, conservation, research and education facility nestled among the live oaks and junipers of the beautiful North Texas Hill Country. Where up to 1000 animals can be viewed from your car window or guided tour van. Where 15 endangered species are protected and bred. Where wildlife conservation is the number one priority."
As you can see from the picture I took, the animals can come right up to your car which is really cool! There is nothing quite like having a herd of towering giraffes surround your car so you can feed them. Be careful, however, with the zebras and ostriches coming up to your car -- they have an evil tendency to want to take your head/hands off.
The admission price to get in this season isn't too pricey [and is well worth it]: $18.95 Adult; $14.95 Senior; $12.95 Children (age 3-11).
Some of the other cool things they have at Fossil Rim are:
- A cool little cafe atop of a massive hill that has a beautiful outlook across the Texas country side.
- A fun petting zoo -- goats and emus. Though, I wasn't sure if the emus were supposed to be a part of the zoo, but I petted them anyway!
- An awesome picnic area along an ocelot trail.
- An awesome nature walk that runs along a scary cliff side!
- An endangered species facility -- which sometimes gives private tours.
- And probably a lot more that I am leaving out!
If any of you would like to go with me, I think I am going to go back again sometime before my internship begins on May 30th. The actual tour part takes about 3 hours.
Hi Holly,
Nice blog! Thanks for commenting on my post over at Right Wing Nut. The church and state line was definitly crossed by Chan.
Hey Holly! I just checked out your blog after getting your email. Cute page you've got here! I just went to fossil rim about 3 weeks ago with Brett, and I've got some insider info if there's a group of you can buy coupon books called Entertainment Passbooks, which are full of local coupons. (I'm sure you've heard of it before) Inside the book there are 2 buy one get one free admission tickets! I believe you can buy the book at CVS or Walgreens, originally $20, but I believe they're only $15 now. It's worth it completely...not only for Fossil Rim, but TONS of local restruants, museums, and stores. Most of the coupons are buy one get one free for the restruants too, so you save a ton. Just thought I'd pass on the tip!
Thanks Jet!
Thanks Tiff! I'll definately look into that for the next time I go -- we should go sometime, too. Like old times! :)
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