Today's Lesson: How to Make Crack (And Feel Good Doing It)

Last week I wrote a post about the very interesting class, or rather "professor," I am taking right now. I have a feeling more strange "lessons" will come about as the semester progresses.
Today's Lesson: How to make crack
Although our prof didn't go into too much detail about the ingredients, she did tell some of the basic necessities for making crack as well as how to smoke it and how wonderful it feels to get high. Though, she later explained that she herself has never actually smoked crack and that the only reason she hasn't is because she is already crazy enough as it is and that getting high would definately land her in the psyc ward.
Also, she explained that the sentence for possession of:
5 grams of crack versus 500 grams of powder cocaine...
is the exact same. Interesting.
Crack = the cheapest stuff to score; "barely does anything for ya."
Finally, she talked about how some people have never gone anywhere (as in on a vacation trip) in their lives and that "crack is the only trip they'll ever take."
Interesting thought.
(Note: I posted this last night but then deleted it today and then, later, decided to repost it again. Thank you if you commented earlier -- I have put your comments (which were in my e-mail) in the comments section. Also, no thanks to you if you were one of those annoying automated things that leaves senseless comments!)
Here was Cassandra's comment from earlier:
Ilike your blog, i will have to bookmark it. Your teacher sounds like a tweaker BTW.
Here was Kim's comment from earlier:
All I can say is you best do your best to encourage this professor lady to teach a class I still need next semester because she sounds like a "trip!" Oh...and you best keep it hush hush about some of these things she talks about because I'm afraid she might be ending up in a ward before long with her most recent behaviors...
VERY interesting lady! I would be SOOO pumped to go to class on nights I had her...HA!
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