Games To Ask For This Holiday Season
Do you like or want any of these?
In alphabetical order...
CATCH PHRASE - If you have never played this game you are missing out! This game is a sort of mixture of Taboo and Hot Potato. Players must try to describe a word without saying the actual word or any part of it. As soon as the other person or persons on their team guess the word they must pass the word giver to the other team. The team who gets stuck with the word giver when the timer goes off loses that round. Very addicting!
CRANIUM - What could be more fun than humming, whistling, sketching, sculpting, spelling backwards, acting, solving puzzles, and answering trivia all in one game? I must say, though, "Data Head," is hell!
ENCORE - Two teams exist. A word or category is given. Teams must go back n' forth singing songs that contain the given word or songs having to do with a given category (e.g., Christmas). This is SUCH a fun game to play with a lot of friends! However, as I have found, one really must pay attention to make sure people are not making up songs and saying, "Oh yeah. Of course it is a song. It's an... uuum... campfire song. Yeah. That's it. A campfire song."
THE GAME OF LIFE - Start Life by either going to college or not going to college (without the hassle of having to argue with your parents). Get married (the pink and blue human figurines -- that fit into the car one goes through "Life" in -- can accomodate both heterosexual and homosexual relationships). Have kids (twins, even!). Go to mars. Win a film festival. Lose your home in a disaster. Retire. The possibilities in "Life" are endless.
PASS THE BOMB - A card with three letters on it is drawn from a stack. A dice is rolled which determines where players must use the three letters in a word (e.g., anywhere; anywhere but the beginning of the word; etc.). All player must come up with a word containing those letters in whatever place they belong. The bomb is passed. When the bomb blows, the player whose hand it was in loses that round and must keep the card. Those with the least cards in the end win. This really gets the mind on a roll!
PIT - This is, by far, the funnest card game I have ever played!
It is not normal cards that are used. They are cards that have the
names of different types of grains on them (e.g., "Oats" or, as my
friends and I like to call it "Opium," because it starts with an "O"). Players must trade cards with one another, not knowing what the card is, with hopes of collecting all cards of the same grain (plus or minus a "bull" or a "bear" in certain situations). The first one with all the cards who
rings the bell wins. This game gets SO loud -- and that's what makes
is SO fun! No need to wear hearing aides in this game!
SCATTERGORIES - A dice is rolled that determines a letter of the alphabet. Then, players have a sheet of paper with a number of different categories on it in which they must come up with a word for those categories and which begins with the letter that was rolled. The goal is to get as many words as possible before the timer runs out. Note: When the letter is "A" and the category is "Types of Furniture," the phrase "Antique Dresser" doesn't count! haha. Also, it's funny when a group of 5 or 6 people get the letter "W" and the category "Fruits" and nobody thinks to put "Watermelon," let alone any other word!
UPWORDS - I am the champion of this game! Based off of the
popular game of Scrabble, players simply build words as they do in
Scrabble yet can also stack letters on top of each other (to a 5-high
limit) in order to create new words. This game is VERY addictive!
In alphabetical order...

It is not normal cards that are used. They are cards that have the
names of different types of grains on them (e.g., "Oats" or, as my
friends and I like to call it "Opium," because it starts with an "O"). Players must trade cards with one another, not knowing what the card is, with hopes of collecting all cards of the same grain (plus or minus a "bull" or a "bear" in certain situations). The first one with all the cards who
rings the bell wins. This game gets SO loud -- and that's what makes
is SO fun! No need to wear hearing aides in this game!

popular game of Scrabble, players simply build words as they do in
Scrabble yet can also stack letters on top of each other (to a 5-high
limit) in order to create new words. This game is VERY addictive!
Those are all fun games. I miss the game nights we used to have! :(
I miss them too! Games nights are way fun! If you come see me I will do what I can to put one together for us, promise (and I rarely, if ever, make promises). :)
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