Saturday, December 03, 2005

Guest Author #2: Donika Martinez

The guest author of the following entry is another dear friend of mine, the great Donika Martinez. Donika is currently a pre-med student, planning to be a physician (and who will make a very good one at that). I have been friends with her for many, many moons. She and I were doubles partners in college tennis as well as suite mates at one point (our dorm rooms shared a bathroom). Had we beaten this particular doubles team in our last regional match together, she and I would have been headed to nationals in Tuscon, Arizona. Although we didn't win, we still played amazingly awesome!

Donika and I have many fond memories together. Some of the things I remember are:

Taking random midnight drives with her through the local cemetary; She and I getting pulled over by a cop (for squealing my tires) and her laughing at me as I pleaded with the officer, "Please don't give me a ticket. I just got out of defensive driving." Also, we were laughing on the phone awhile ago about this one time when I had about 10-12 girls all piled into my jeep to go see a "glowing" tombstone in a cemetary in a near by town. One of the girls, on the basketball team, somehow sprained her ankle in my backseat. LOL! Those are just a few of the many fond memories I share of and with Donika. She's a wonderful friend and a great person to know. So, here I present Donika's entry, which I really enjoy, called "Desperate to Meet Equilibrium":

"Desperate to Meet Equilibrium"

It’s almost everyday that I struggle to be everything that everybody wants me to be. The Good student, the Good straight daughter, the Good Christian, the Good employee, and the Good friend. I find myself tearing my mind apart figuring how I can please everyone at the same time. I’m often stressed over everybody else stressing over me. What can I do to improve our situation, how can I make you feel better, how can I help you? The real question is will you HELP ME? Yeah that’s right I’m not going to beat around the bush with you and say that I don’t need you but I do more than you think. I’m strong, on the outside, I’m confident, on the outside, I’m well organized, on the outside. In the inside I’m scared of the world and it succeeding over me, making me feel inferior, intimidation and defeat, drawing every bit of energy out of me and laughing at me and saying I beat you today! Pleasing is for the willing, for the those who go beyond themselves to do unto others as they do unto you. A verse yes but is it an action, maybe. Doing is sometimes seeing and seeing is sometimes doing. I’m tired of doing, tired of seeing, tired of not meeting far more than half way with everybody. Yes, I will continue to struggle for that balance of trust, giving, living and studying. I will not say I will be defeated by anyone or anything, or let the stress of everyday living bind me by my hands. But I will say this, CAN I GET SOME FREAKING ME TIME PLEASE!!!


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