Who will be the next "Apprentice"? My Thoughts:

Jennifer. This picture is from: http://apprentice.tv.yahoo.com/candidates/jenm.html

Jennifer is who I want to win the position. Right now there are four candidates left (who I won't name incase you haven't yet seen who was "fired" tonight). I am going to be really shocked if the final two candidates are not her and Kelly. I believe they are the two most logical, business-oriented, capable persons left of the four. Either one of them, in my opinion, would make a great Apprentice and for this reason, I am not going to say who I think will win. Jenn has only been pulled into the board room once (I think), maybe twice -- but she really had no business being in there (although some of her seemingly jealous teammates thought otherwise). The reason I want Jenn to win is because she doesn't seem to have time for games. She seems to know how to work well with her teammates, get to the point, and get tasks-accomplished. Unlike most of the female candidates who have been on the show, Jenn takes little time to criticize the other girls. Although she probably wants to criticize, she remains task-oriented and doesn't have time for childish B.S. I think she is one of the first female candidates in a long while to actually have her head on straight. Besides that, her marks as a successful business woman are quite impressive! Go Jenn! Read her biography that I have posted here(which is from http://apprentice.tv.yahoo.com/candidates/jenm.html ):
The question shouldn't be what Jennifer brings to the table? The better question is what doesn't this stunning 29 year old have on her impressive resume?
Jennifer was born and raised in the south, and though she's lost the accent, she still has the dignified air of a southern belle. She left the south for Princeton, where she majored in English and graduated magna cum laude/Phi Betta Kappa. She was also nominated for the Pyne Award, the highest honor that can be bestowed on a Princeton student. Jennifer then went on to Harvard where she attained her law degree.
While at Harvard, Jennifer was heavily recruited by a powerful San Francisco law firm, where she now serves as a securities litigator, working with management teams from startups all the way to Fortune 500 companies. She resides in San Francisco with her husband Aron.
With such an impressive list of credentials it's easy to see why Jennifer will give the other candidates a run for their money as she attempts to be named "The Apprentice."
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