Monday, November 15, 2004

Me? Bald?

So... Kim and I spent ALL afternoon working on this project thing that we have due in one of our classes on Wednesday. We tend to get bored doing this series of interrelated projects that we have due in this class. Therefore, after much time spent working, we decided we needed to take a "fun" break. We tend to take these "fun" breaks ever so often while we work. So, we messaged our friend, who we'll call Jane Doe, with this HILARIOUS fake scenario that we had made up -- and little did she know (nor does she still not know unless she has read this post) that it was all just a joke! Kim and I died laughing the entire time! So, without further ado, here is the hilarious convo -- it is very much worth the read:

Holly: OMG! Jane - I know you are good w/ style issues - k... I just had this HUGE tangle in my hair and so I cut it out and now I have this HUGE bald spot on the back of my head - I am too embarrassed to go out in public now - HELP!
Jane Doe: lol what's going on
Holly: Just a mid young adulthood crisis :(
Jane Doe: haha the hair?
Holly: Yeah...
Holly: I tried to glue it back but it's just turned into a huge mess
Jane Doe: HOLLY
Jane Doe: why would you glue your hair on your head
Holly: because i felt like it was the last resort
Jane Doe: lol where's the bald spot
Holly: and i have a BIG meeting to go to
Jane Doe: today?
Holly: Right on the top of the back of my head
Holly: tonight :(
Jane Doe: can you part it differently?
Jane Doe: to cover it
Holly: there's nothing left there to part
Jane Doe: LOL is it a big bald spot
Holly: The glue has dried and now it's made all this white flaky stuff that looks like dandruff
Jane Doe: and did you actually cut your hair at like your scalp....or is it just really short there
Jane Doe: lol just wash your hair
Holly: Yeah... to put it bluntly... yes... I look like a man in a mid life crisis who is losing his hair
Jane Doe: LOL
Jane Doe: is it a big spot...or kind of small
Holly: It is big... i'd say about 3 centimeters wide
Holly: or maybe 4
Holly: not sure exactly
Jane Doe: okay, that's not too bad
Holly: yes it is!
Jane Doe: can you pull your hair in a half or something
Holly: It's a little bigger than a half dollar!
Jane Doe: like pull the front up
Jane Doe: lol holly how did that happen...
Holly: Kim suggested I wear a hat
Jane Doe: what kind of meeting is it
Holly: I had a HUGE rats nest tangle in my hair
Holly: and had to cut it
Jane Doe: how did you get such a big tangle
Holly: I have to wear a dress and can't wear a hat
Jane Doe: well if you pulled it half way up would that cover it
Holly: I was taking a nap and my puppy got on my head and in my hair
Jane Doe: lol
Holly: i thought about doin' a bun over it...but that wasn't working out
Jane Doe: what about just curling your hair in like really tight curls and wearing it in a pony tail or something
Holly: yeah....i guess i could do that, i'm just afraid it might pull the old stuff that i glued back in out
Jane Doe: and lol you actually have your hair glued in
Jane Doe: what kind of glue did you use
Holly: i think i'm going to go up the street to the "black" store and just buy some weave
Jane Doe: HOLLY lol
Holly: i used a glue stick
Dane Doe: like, a regular old elmers glue stick type of glue
Holly: well it wasn't elmers...but it was a generic was like blue but turns invisible or something
Jane Doe: holly i dont think that kind of glue is going to hold hair in anyway
Jane Doe: just wash your hair and either pull it halfway up, or put it in a pony tail
Holly: i'm a little worried that when i shower in the morning it will make the glue not work anymore
Jane Doe: lol
Jane Doe: holly there's no way that glue would last even if you didnt wash your hair
Holly: yeah, i was going to use my hot glue gun, but i forgot i had let my roommate borrow it...when she gets home tonight i will probably get that from her and try it
Jane Doe: NO
Jane Doe: you're gonna burn yourself lol holly
Holly: i was going to use the lowest setting
Jane Doe: i hate to break it to you but i think you're just gonna have to have a little bald spot
Holly: oh okay
Holly: but thanks for your help
Holly: i just always thought your hair looked so good, so i thought i'd ask you
Holly: thanks though
Jane Doe: aww thanks lol
Jane Doe: sorry i couldnt help you more
Holly: no, you really helped me a lot
Holly: i'm gonna maybe try the curls idea
Jane Doe: lol okay
Jane Doe: good luck chica
Jane Doe: :-)
Holly: just not curl that piece i just glued back in
Holly: thanks
Jane Doe: lol your welcome...bye holly
Holly: bye


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