Friday, November 12, 2004

R.I.P. Yasser Arafat

I wanted to post this latest blog from my incredibly cool and intelligent friend Angie's blog site because it is so good (as all her posts are) and it conveys the way in which I, too, feel about the recent passing of Yasser Arafat:

I'm not sure how I feel about Arafat's death. That suggests that I am mixed between feeling good and bad about his death, but this 'good' isn't in that I'm glad he's dead cuz I didn't like him--but instead good because maybe some change will finally bring that chunk of the world a little closer to peace. I am actually more upset by his death, I guess you could say. I think the cause he was fighting for was just. He was fighting for the liberty of his people. (Sound familiar?) The Palestinians should be 'allowed' to rule themselves. But Arafat's methods were not right. Killing is never the answer. But then if your people have been suppressed by another group for hundreds (or is it thousands?) of years that does not recognize the values, differences, and lives of your people... and refuse any sort of compromise... you've got to do something. And they have been trying...

Why are people so damn stubborn? They are so set on what they think is right that they don't recognize that what is right for them may not be what is right for someone else.

May Arafat rest in peace.


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