Saturday, June 21, 2008

Prayer and Opportunity

This week I watched the movie, "Evan Almighty," with my family. Here is a quote from the film I really like:

God: Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?

And that's that.

P.S. The picture above was taken at my mom and dad's house apprx. 4 years ago. Isn't it beautiful?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Disturbing: Marine Throws Puppy Off Cliff

I originally watched this video on today. The Marine Corp. has apparently expelled the soldier that tossed the puppy. It disgusts me to think that even a dollar of our hard earned tax dollars are going to this idiot and, even more, that we put guns into the hands of crazy loons like this guy:

US Soldier throws puppy off cliff - Watch more free videos