Today, I was talking with a friend who told me this very interesting story about a time that she and some of her gal pals went on vacation to Vegas. She has given me permission to type the tale in this blog. As you read, keep in mind the question, "What would you do for a friend?"
The story begins...
The girls, a group of three or four friends, went out to dinner one evening there at one of the ritziest dining locations in all of Vegas. Celebrities, my friend said, are known to frequent this restaurant location. Throughout the evening, my friend and her gal pals had several alcoholic beverages to drink. At the end of the night, it was apparent one of the girls had drunk to the point of drunkenness.
As they exited the restaurant that night, the drunken girl came to the sudden realization she had to pee and that she could not hold it in. Without a care in the world, she promptly dropped her pants and panties right there on the sidewalk, squatted, and began peeing. She didn't seem to care that Brad Pitt, or the police for that matter, might have been lurking right around the corner of this posh hub.
Still peeing, my friend had to prop the girl up to make sure she didn't tumble. While doing this, my friend happened to notice the girls' panties. Besides getting drunk, the girl had also, unbeknownst to herself, started her period. Her white pants now donned a not so stylin' crimson spot in the crotch.
Astonished, the girls asked their friend if she knew she had started her period. Not seeming to mind, the girl looked down at her panties and replied, "Oh yeah, it looks like I did!" La dee da. So, the group of friends helped the girl to stand up and then got her back to the hotel room where she immediately passed out on the bed.
Many friends would have simply called it a night at this point, but not these girls...
Since their drunken friend was now passed out cold and obviously incapable of good hygiene for a few hours, one of the girls began to ponder, "Should we change her tampon?" Hmm.
My friend said she thought real hard about it but then decided she couldn't bring herself to do such a thing. However, one girl in the group did step up to the challenge. As my friend described, this girl must have had, "the spirit of a nurse."
It was a simple case of out with the old and in with the new as the willing friend simply pulled out the old, bloodied tampon, and put in a new, fresh one for her friend. Then, the night was over. The girls all got a good night's sleep, no worries.
Now, ask yourself this question:
"Would I change my drunken friend's tampon?"
Would you?