Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Books: Past, Present, & Future Readings

(F = Fiction ; NF= Non-Fiction ; NS = Not Sure)

Books I am currently reading:

"Blessings" by. Anna Quindlen (F)
"The Testament" by. John Grisham -- I've read most of it before but am re-reading it again (F)
"The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by. Mitch Albom -- started it but don't like it so far so I probably won't finish it. (F)

Books I REALLY REALLY want to read:

"The Illuminati Manifesto" by. Solomon Tulbure (NF)
"The Bible Code I" by. Michael Drosnin (NF)
"The Bible Code II" by. Michael Drosnin (NF)
"Gandhi an Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth" by. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, et al. (NF)
"Will They Ever Trust Us Again?" by. Michael Moore (NF)
"The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number" by. Mario Livio (NF)

Books I would like to read:

"Ice Bound" by. Dr. Jerry Neilson (NF)
"Digital Fortress" by. Dan Brown (F)

Books (excluding textbooks & The Bible) I've read within the last 2 or 3 years:

"Developing the Leader Within You" by. John Maxwell (NF)
"The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork" by. John Maxwell (NF)
"Man's Search for Meaning" by. Dr. Viktor Frankl (NF)
"The Color of Water" by. James McBride (NF)
"The Einstein Factor" by. Win Wenger, Richard Poe (NF)
"A Child Called 'It'" by. Dave Pelzer (NF)
"Changing for Good" by. James Prochaska, et al. (NF)
"The Challenge of a Disciplined Life" by. Richard Foster (NF)
"The Da Vinci Code" by. Dan Brown (F)
"Angels & Demons" by. Dan Brown (F)
"Tuesday's with Morrie" by. Mitch Albom (NS)
"Eyes Wide Open: Looking for God in Popular Culture" by. William Romanowski (NF)
"Habits of a Loving Heart" by. Willard Tate (NF)
"Learning to Love" by. Willard Tate (NF)
"How to Get What You Want and Want What You Get: 12 Steps to Christian Living at it's Best" by. Willard Tate (NF)

Books I've been told I should read:

"Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love" by. Dava Sobel (NS)
"Gifted Hands" by. Dr. Ben Carson (NF)
"The Gift" by. Danielle Steel (F)
"The Life of Pi" by. Yan Martel (NS)
All the Harry Potter books (F)
(Note: Sorry if you told me one and I forgot it... hee hee)


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