Sunday, February 26, 2006

To Each His Own Reality

So, I am in the library right now working on a 15 page research paper that is due in my Wednesday afternoon class for 50% of the grade. The current time is 12:30 a.m. About 10 minutes ago the library security guard, an older gentleman, came up to check my student I.D. (as non-students are not allowed in the library during midnight hours) and proceeded to chat with me. Here's the convo:

Guard: "You writing a paper?"
Me: "Yeah." (smiling)
Guard: "When's it due?"
Me: "Wednesday."
Guard: (with a look of disbelief on his face) "You must be a junior or senior or something."
Me: "Grad school."
Guard: "No wonder you are so far ahead."

Interesting. After he walked away, I sat here and thought about our convo for a little while. Here I have been stressing out today because I have non-chalantly put this paper off until the last few days before it is due. I have known about this paper ever since the beginning of the semester back in January. Most people in my class, that I have talked to, started researching for this paper weeks ago. Me? I started researching for it this past Saturday (well, started. I didn't really get anything done). Despite all this, I must still appear to be quite studious, when referencing the convo I just had with a total stranger.

So, if starting a big paper a few weeks before it is due is a good thing, yet starting a big paper a few days before it is due is also a good thing, then what exactly is "studious"? Wouldn't I still be just as "studious" if I started it the night before it was due, so long as I completed it? I suppose I might not learn as much due to being rushed. I don't know. I'm sleepy. Whatever the case, I feel better now about having put the paper off until now. I'm on top of my game -- in another's eyes.


Blogger FeedingYourMind said...

I know a lot of guys that enjoy waiting till the day the paper is DUE to actually start it. So coming from that state of mind, yes, you were starting WAY in advance! ;)

5:43 AM  

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