The Thing I Don't Like

My voice.
I do not like my voice. I have been self-conscious about it most of my life, but it has only recently begun to get on my nerves since I started my internship in counseling. It's too high-pitched and shaky (and if it sounds high-pitched inside my head, who knows what it sounds like to others?!). I am not saying that I dislike high-pitched voices on others necessarily, but just on myself mostly. I suppose I feel like it doesn't fit who I am or who I envision myself to be.
Don't get me wrong. I do not desire to have a masculine voice at all; just one that is a little bit deeper, that's all. I think it would help me in my career also, as I feel a little bit of a deeper voice may sound somewhat more professional and less like I have yet to hit puberty.
So, that's my ounce of negativity for the day. Just getting it out has been a pound of cure!
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