Monday, February 14, 2005

Friendly Reminiscence

Gotta love V-Day...

I love Valentine's Day because I can now look forward to my annual "V-Day-Three-Way" conversation with Donika and Shannon (two of my former tennis teammates in college). This is a thing we started last year where we call each other on three-way and talk for hours and hours about our lives, memories, problems, and blessings. We plan to do this every year from now on -- even if we don't get to chat for hours on end. There is something special about waiting for that phone call.

Tonight's conversation was filled with us reminiscing old memories from our first college -- some of which I had totally forgotten about, like this one for example:

Apparently, according to Donika and Shannon, I used to have this thing about not telling anyone when something was wrong. One time I hurt my leg during practice while doing a silly little dance called "the snake." According to them, nobody knew anything was wrong until they saw me, later, non-chalantly wiping a bunch of blood off this wound on my leg. Concerned, they asked how it happened and I said I had hurt it when I was doing that dance for them earlier. They said something like, "You mean to tell us that you went all this time like this and didn't tell anyone?" lol. I don't know why this was so funny -- but they just thought it was hilarious because I would never tell anyone when something like this was wrong. All this reminded me of a similar incedent that occured in little league softball practice one time...

I was running infield for a water break and made a heroic, out of this world attempt at jumping over a line of batting bags that were next to the backstop. Unfortunately, I wasn't successful! I came right through the air and landed hard on the side of my foot, spraining my ankle. If I would have known the worst curse word in the world at that time -- I probably would have screamed it. It was the most painful sprain I can imagine having! Did I tell anyone? Nope. Trying not to limp, I walked all the way back to the outfield -- in utter pain -- and continued playing for a while. That was, until my coach noticed I couldn't run to the ball when it was actually hit outfield. He called me infield and asked if I was hurt. I told him my ankle hurt and then I showed it to him. It was the size of a baseball -- he asked me "Why on earth didn't you say anything?" Why I didn't is beyond me. That's a kid for you!

So... those were some random memories that caught my mind's attention today. Nothing too funny -- but they do provide some great mental images! hee hee.


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